- Clinical watch ? is classics travel Wei now incontinent, classics unloads pass water of travel of enuresis of travel of classics of cold, ? 临床表?现为经行畏寒、?经行遗尿、经行小便失禁、经行下利清谷等;
- When the clinical watch of deep caries is existing easy as phlogistic as dental pulp of sex of dental pulp hyperaemia, chronic closedown, dental pulp is necrotic (gangrenous) interblend confuse. 深龋的临床表现有时容易与牙髓充血、慢性闭锁性牙髓炎、牙髓坏死(坏疽)相混淆。
- He watched her suffering with clinical detachment. 他冷漠地看著她遭受的痛苦。
- Clinical watch to houttuyfonate injection treatment young children cold high fever 鱼腥草注射液治疗小儿外感高热症临床观察
- He seemed to have a rather clinical view of the breakup of his marriage. 他似乎是相当冷静地看待自己的婚姻破裂。
- Diagnosis is based on a clinical triad. 本病诊断取决于临床上的三征。
- Auricular ossification is a rare clinical entity. 临床上,耳壳骨化是罕见的临床症状。
- Clinical impression was cryptogenic cirrhosis. 临床诊断为不明原因的肝硬化。
- His clinical picture was depressive. 他的临床诊状是沮丧抑郁。
- The new drug is undergoing clinical trials. 这种新药正在进行临床试验。
- Early-stage clinical trials are now underway. 这个技术早期的临床实验已经开始。
- To decommission a clinical waste incinerator. 清拆医疗废物焚化炉。
- Basic principle and clinical application. 基本原理及临床应用。
- The clinical application of IGFs was reviewed. 本文就IGFs的临床应用作一综述。
- The clinical misdiagnosis rate was high. 临床误诊率高。
- The Clinical Analysis on Treatment 110 Nasal Polyp. 鼻息肉110例的治疗临床分析。
- Skindex - information on clinical dermatology. 皮肤病学的临床信息。
- Biochemical Assay in Clinical Practice. 临床生化检验。
- Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology. 临床眼科/
- Japanese Review of Clinical Ophthalmology. 眼科临床医报/